Wonderful Bali

Wonderful Bali

Get Around

There are many modes of transport to help you get around in Bali. A variety of excellent half day, full day and overnight tour packages are available from your hotel desk or any of the numerous travel agents and tour operators which abound in Bali. Or you can find a car and driver who will also act as your guide.
Whilst walking about, you will be barraged with constant questions of "Transport, transport?". Competition is tight and many drivers know several languages. Tell the driver your desired route and negotiate a fee.
An important virtue to have while on the road in Bali is patience! Although the road system in the heavily populated areas is quite reasonable (condition wise) in comparison to other developing countries, it can be heavily congested at peak periods. Ceremonial processions often take up the entire road so if you're caught behind a procession, enjoy the colorful experience.

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